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Swedish, oral proficiencyLaajuus (1.5 cr)

Code: SWE0101B25S


1.5 op

Teaching language

  • English


The students will be able to:
• know how to function orally in sub-areas such as the following: can communicate intelligibly in anticipated situations and participate in simple interactions (Skill level B1)
• know how to function in writing in situations such as the following: can write a simple intelligible text related to his/her own field and use the most common structures (Skill level B1)
• know both the common vocabulary of the language and the basic concepts needed in his/her profession
• know how to depict his/her personal and educational background
• know how to use expressions in everyday discussion
• understand Swedish in written form, write in Swedish, and speak in Swedish in connection with general themes and communication situations in his/her field of work.


• Basic grammar
• Speaking, writing, and reading
• General vocabulary, themes, and phrases related to student’s profession