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Professional EnglishLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: ENG0005N20S


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


Competency aims:
The aim of the course is to
• Equip students with the academic writing skills needed to succeed in writing the thesis.
• Further develop both written and spoken professional communication skills.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student is expected to
• Be able to understand, interpret and explain both terminology and content related to the field without major difficulty.
• To display an ability to understand also complex spoken language on matters regularly encountered at work.
• Be able to participate confidently in customer service interactions in English.
• To have enhanced the ability to participate in social communication in a professional setting.
• To have enhanced the ability to participate in discussions also on more complex topics.
• Be able to prepare and deliver a presentation of professional interest with effective use of IT tools, e.g. PowerPoint.
• To demonstrate the ability to produce effective key professional documents, including reports, work applications & CVs.
• Be able to correctly structure a written academic report and apply the principles of academic writing.
• Be able to write in stylistically appropriate and grammatically correct English.
• Be able to incorporate source material and cite sources in the text correctly with a corresponding List of References.
• Be able to apply guidelines provided in the Thesis Guide to produce a technically well-presented and structured written project (thesis).


Course contents:
• Social contacts
• Discussions
• Your place of work
• Work ethics
• Presentations
• Writing techniques (language and style)
• Citing sources and listing references
• Current articles related to nursing