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Clinical practice: Basic careLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: PRA1005N20S


5 op


  • englanti


Competency aims:
• The main aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties.

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to
• Begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences
• Begin to understand the importance of communication during care
• Follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
• Begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse
• Understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically
• Improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship
• Provide basic care for the patient /
• Assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life
• Encounter the patient respectfully as an individual
• Be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking
• Begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting


To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course: Clinical Care 1 Patient safety and medication administration


11.10.2023 - 29.10.2023


15.04.2024 - 26.05.2024


5 op




Terveysalan tutkinnot



  • Englanti

0 - 333

  • Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing
  • Kristiina Rosqvist
  • HKI-S23nur


Competency aims:
• The main aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties.

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to
• Begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences
• Begin to understand the importance of communication during care
• Follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
• Begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse
• Understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically
• Improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship
• Provide basic care for the patient /
• Assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life
• Encounter the patient respectfully as an individual
• Be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking
• Begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting


To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course: Clinical Care 1 Patient safety and medication administration

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to:
- begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences / osaa integroida tietoa eri osa-alueilta kuten anatomia ja fysiologia, mikrobiologia, sisätaudit, kirurgia, ja hoitotiede
- begin to understand the importance of communication during care / ymmärtää kommunikaation merkityksen potilaan kokonaishoidossa
- follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor / noudattaa ohjaajan ohjeita ja toteuttaa hänelle annetut tehtävät
- begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse / tutustuu päivittäisiin hoitotyön tehtäviin
- understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically / ymmärtää aseptiikan merkityksen ja osaa toimia aseptisesti
- improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship / osaa parantaa potilaan hyvinvointia luomalla hyvän hoitosuhteen potilaaseen
- be able to provide basic care for the patient / osaa toteuttaa perushoitoa
- assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life / on osallistunut saattohoidon toteuttamiseen
- encounter the patient respectfully as an individual / kohtelee potilaita kunnioittavasti ja yksilöllisesti
- be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking / on tietoinen omasta osaamisen tasostaan ja pyytää apua tai hakee tietoa tarvittaessa -
- begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting / alkaa soveltaa hoitotyön arvoja, ajatuksia ja etiikkaa omassa toiminnassaan

To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course: Clinical Care 1 Patient safety and medication administration




19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022


17.04.2023 - 26.05.2023


5 op




Terveysalan tutkinnot



  • Englanti

0 - 333

  • Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Tuominen
  • A53nur


Competency aims:
• The main aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties.

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to
• Begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences
• Begin to understand the importance of communication during care
• Follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
• Begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse
• Understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically
• Improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship
• Provide basic care for the patient /
• Assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life
• Encounter the patient respectfully as an individual
• Be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking
• Begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting


To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course: Clinical Care 1 Patient safety and medication administration

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

The aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to:
- begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences / osaa integroida tietoa eri osa-alueilta kuten anatomia ja fysiologia, mikrobiologia, sisätaudit, kirurgia, ja hoitotiede
- begin to understand the importance of communication during care / ymmärtää kommunikaation merkityksen potilaan kokonaishoidossa
- follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor / noudattaa ohjaajan ohjeita ja toteuttaa hänelle annetut tehtävät
- begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse / tutustuu päivittäisiin hoitotyön tehtäviin
- understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically / ymmärtää aseptiikan merkityksen ja osaa toimia aseptisesti
- improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship / osaa parantaa potilaan hyvinvointia luomalla hyvän hoitosuhteen potilaaseen
- be able to provide basic care for the patient / osaa toteuttaa perushoitoa
- assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life / on osallistunut saattohoidon toteuttamiseen
- encounter the patient respectfully as an individual / kohtelee potilaita kunnioittavasti ja yksilöllisesti
- be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking / on tietoinen omasta osaamisen tasostaan ja pyytää apua tai hakee tietoa tarvittaessa -
- begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting / alkaa soveltaa hoitotyön arvoja, ajatuksia ja etiikkaa omassa toiminnassaan

To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course: Clinical Care 1 Patient safety and medication administration

