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Clinical practice: Basic careLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: PRA1005N20S


5 op

Teaching language

  • English


Competency aims:
• The main aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties.

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to
• Begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences
• Begin to understand the importance of communication during care
• Follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
• Begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse
• Understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically
• Improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship
• Provide basic care for the patient /
• Assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life
• Encounter the patient respectfully as an individual
• Be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking
• Begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting


11.10.2023 - 29.10.2023


15.04.2024 - 26.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 333

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing
  • Kristiina Rosqvist
  • HKI-S23nur


Competency aims:
• The main aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties.

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to
• Begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences
• Begin to understand the importance of communication during care
• Follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
• Begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse
• Understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically
• Improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship
• Provide basic care for the patient /
• Assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life
• Encounter the patient respectfully as an individual
• Be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking
• Begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting

Teaching methods

- Individual studying in clinical practice
- Reflections by superivising lecturer and in the student group


Material which is used in clinical care I and II

Completion alternatives

Similar studies done in another UAS

Employer connections

Clinical placements in primary health care

Student workload

Due to the amount of practical training needed to be done, one additional week was added to the basic care to balance the amount of week required. The course worth 5 cr even though the amount of weeks are 4.

Content scheduling

Tutoring session before practical training held by supervising lecturer - 2 hours
Individual studying 3 hours
Practical training - 127 hours
Reflection held by supervising lecturer after the practical training 3 hours

Altogether 135 hours

Further information

The aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to:
- begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences / osaa integroida tietoa eri osa-alueilta kuten anatomia ja fysiologia, mikrobiologia, sisätaudit, kirurgia, ja hoitotiede
- begin to understand the importance of communication during care / ymmärtää kommunikaation merkityksen potilaan kokonaishoidossa
- follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor / noudattaa ohjaajan ohjeita ja toteuttaa hänelle annetut tehtävät
- begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse / tutustuu päivittäisiin hoitotyön tehtäviin
- understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically / ymmärtää aseptiikan merkityksen ja osaa toimia aseptisesti
- improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship / osaa parantaa potilaan hyvinvointia luomalla hyvän hoitosuhteen potilaaseen
- be able to provide basic care for the patient / osaa toteuttaa perushoitoa
- assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life / on osallistunut saattohoidon toteuttamiseen
- encounter the patient respectfully as an individual / kohtelee potilaita kunnioittavasti ja yksilöllisesti
- be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking / on tietoinen omasta osaamisen tasostaan ja pyytää apua tai hakee tietoa tarvittaessa -
- begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting / alkaa soveltaa hoitotyön arvoja, ajatuksia ja etiikkaa omassa toiminnassaan

To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course: Clinical Care 1 Patient safety and medication administration

Assessment methods and criteria

- Accomplish practical training (approved)

Evaluation scale



19.09.2022 - 09.10.2022


17.04.2023 - 26.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 333

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing
  • Riikka Tuominen
  • A53nur


Competency aims:
• The main aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties.

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to
• Begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences
• Begin to understand the importance of communication during care
• Follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
• Begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse
• Understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically
• Improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship
• Provide basic care for the patient /
• Assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life
• Encounter the patient respectfully as an individual
• Be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking
• Begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting

Teaching methods

- Individual studying in clinical practice
- Reflections by superivising lecturer and in the student group


Material which is used in clinical care I and II

Completion alternatives

Similar studies done in another UAS

Employer connections

Clinical placements in primary health care

Student workload

Due to the amount of practical training needed to be done, one additional week was added to the basic care to balance the amount of week required. The course worth 5 cr even though the amount of weeks are 4.

Content scheduling

Tutoring session before practical training held by supervising lecturer - 2 hours
Individual studying 3 hours
Practical training - 127 hours
Reflection held by supervising lecturer after the practical training 3 hours

Altogether 135 hours

Further information

The aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to:
- begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences / osaa integroida tietoa eri osa-alueilta kuten anatomia ja fysiologia, mikrobiologia, sisätaudit, kirurgia, ja hoitotiede
- begin to understand the importance of communication during care / ymmärtää kommunikaation merkityksen potilaan kokonaishoidossa
- follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor / noudattaa ohjaajan ohjeita ja toteuttaa hänelle annetut tehtävät
- begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse / tutustuu päivittäisiin hoitotyön tehtäviin
- understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically / ymmärtää aseptiikan merkityksen ja osaa toimia aseptisesti
- improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship / osaa parantaa potilaan hyvinvointia luomalla hyvän hoitosuhteen potilaaseen
- be able to provide basic care for the patient / osaa toteuttaa perushoitoa
- assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life / on osallistunut saattohoidon toteuttamiseen
- encounter the patient respectfully as an individual / kohtelee potilaita kunnioittavasti ja yksilöllisesti
- be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking / on tietoinen omasta osaamisen tasostaan ja pyytää apua tai hakee tietoa tarvittaessa -
- begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting / alkaa soveltaa hoitotyön arvoja, ajatuksia ja etiikkaa omassa toiminnassaan

To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course: Clinical Care 1 Patient safety and medication administration

Assessment methods and criteria

- Accomplish practical training (approved)

Evaluation scale



13.09.2021 - 05.10.2021


02.05.2022 - 27.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing
  • Kristiina Rosqvist
  • Riikka Tuominen
  • A51nur


Competency aims:
• The main aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties.

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to
• Begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences
• Begin to understand the importance of communication during care
• Follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor
• Begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse
• Understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically
• Improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship
• Provide basic care for the patient /
• Assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life
• Encounter the patient respectfully as an individual
• Be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking
• Begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting

Teaching methods

- Individual studying in clinical practice
- Reflections by superivising lecturer


Material which is used in clinical care I and II

Completion alternatives

Similar studies done in another UAS

Employer connections

Clinical placements in primary health care

Student workload

Due to the amount of practical training needed to be done, one additional week was added to the basic care to balance the amount of week required. The course worth 5 cr even though the amount of weeks are 4.

Content scheduling

Tutoring session before practical training held by supervising lecturer - 2 hours
Individual studying 3 hours
Practical training - 127 hours
Reflection held by supervising lecturer after the practical training 3 hours

Altogether 135 hours

Further information

The aim of this course is to give the student practical experience in performing basic care duties

Learning outcomes:
After completing this practical rotation, the student is expected to be able to:
- begin to integrate knowledge from different sciences/courses such as anatomy & physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, clinical care as well as nursing sciences / osaa integroida tietoa eri osa-alueilta kuten anatomia ja fysiologia, mikrobiologia, sisätaudit, kirurgia, ja hoitotiede
- begin to understand the importance of communication during care / ymmärtää kommunikaation merkityksen potilaan kokonaishoidossa
- follow directions and carry out tasks assigned by his/her supervisor / noudattaa ohjaajan ohjeita ja toteuttaa hänelle annetut tehtävät
- begin to become familiar with the duties of a staff nurse / tutustuu päivittäisiin hoitotyön tehtäviin
- understand the meaning of aseptic conduct and be able to operate aseptically / ymmärtää aseptiikan merkityksen ja osaa toimia aseptisesti
- improve the patient's well-being by creating a caring relationship / osaa parantaa potilaan hyvinvointia luomalla hyvän hoitosuhteen potilaaseen
- be able to provide basic care for the patient / osaa toteuttaa perushoitoa
- assist in proving for the needs of the patient during end of life / on osallistunut saattohoidon toteuttamiseen
- encounter the patient respectfully as an individual / kohtelee potilaita kunnioittavasti ja yksilöllisesti
- be aware of their own level of competence and seek guidance when knowledge and skills are lacking / on tietoinen omasta osaamisen tasostaan ja pyytää apua tai hakee tietoa tarvittaessa -
- begin to apply nursing values, ideas and ethics in the healthcare setting / alkaa soveltaa hoitotyön arvoja, ajatuksia ja etiikkaa omassa toiminnassaan

To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course: Clinical Care 1 Patient safety and medication administration

Assessment methods and criteria

- Accomplish practical training (approved)
- Accomplish written assignment

Evaluation scale
