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Nursing English IILaajuus (2 cr)

Code: NEG0202N24S


2 op

Teaching language

  • English


• further develop both spoken and written professional communication skills with the focus on academic English
• equip students with the academic writing skills needed to succeed in writing
• is expected to have enhanced the ability to participate in social communication in a professional setting
is expected to have enhanced the ability to participate in discussions also on more complex topics
• be able to prepare and deliver a presentation of professional interest with effective use of IT tools, e.g., PowerPoint
• be able to correctly apply the principles of academic writing
• demonstrate the ability to produce professional texts
• be able to apply guidelines provided in the learning assignments to produce a technically well-presented and structured written project


• social contacts
• discussions
• presentations
• writing techniques (language and style)
• academic writing skills
• current articles related to nursing