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Expertise and decision-making as a registered nurseLaajuus (3 op)

Tunnus: AEE0203N24S


3 op


  • englanti


• can analyse and evaluate their nursing expertise and discuss development ideas for nursing
• deepen their understanding of the significance of evidence-based nursing in decision-making and their own role in promoting and developing evidence-based practices
• are familiar with the possibilities in nurses’ career development
• understand the importance of their own coping and wellbeing as future nursing experts
• understand nurses’ channels of influence and means of civic engagement
• are able to analyse and assess their ethical sensitivity
• understand the special role of the nurse as a spokesperson for customers/patients and as an advocate for their social inclusion
• Goal for Finnish language studies: Students recognise, highlight and articulate their own skills.


• assessing personal expertise and ethical sensitivity in nursing
• evidence-based decision-making and its promotion in nursing environments
• registered nurse as an advocate
• career development and opportunities for nurses, lifelong learning
• personal wellbeing and coping
• registered nurse as an advocate
• role as the spokesperson for customers/patients and as an advocate for their social inclusion
• Content for Finnish language studies: expert communication, influence