Complimentary studies: Diaconial Work (Deaconess)
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Code | Name | Credits (cr) |
(Choose all ) |
35 |
STY0005A20S | The parish as an operating environment | 5 |
DKT1005A20S | Theological foundations of diaconia and Christian education I | 5 |
DKT2005A20S | Theological foundations of diaconia and Christian education II | 5 |
HHT0001A21A | Spiritual nursing | 1 |
KIR0005A20S | Multicultural work and international responsibility of the church | 5 |
DIH0104A20S | Deaconess expertise in nursing | 4 |
SEU0005A20S | Development of parish work | 5 |
AJA0005A20S | Modern interpretations of Christianity | 5 |
Expertise in diaconical work (Choose all ) |
10 |
DTA0105A20S | Theology of helping and building a diaconal community | 5 |
DTA0205A20S | Methods and social advocacy in diaconal work | 5 |
(Choose all ) |
15 |
HAR2102A20S | Familiarisation with diaconal work in a parish | 2 |
HAR7003A20A | Expertise in diaconal nursing - work placement | 3 |
HAR8010A20S | Work placement in diaconal work | 10 |