Vaihto-opiskelijoiden opintotarjonta kevätlukukausi
- englanti
Diak offers studies for incoming exchange students in social services and nursing. All courses for incoming exchange students are taught in English.
The recommended number of credits is 30 ECTS per semester. Nursing students can select social services courses in order to complete enough ECTS credits.
Course schedules will be published in November. When selecting your courses, please make sure that there are no overlaps in your timetable.
More information about study methods, assessment criteria and grading
Tunnus | Opinnon nimi | Laajuus (op) |
EXCH21 |
Bachelor Courses in Social Services (Valitaan kaikki ) |
78 |
Elective studies (Valitaan kaikki ) |
10 |
DOM0005A20S | Domestic Violence | 5 |
TOC0005A21S | Trauma orientation in child welfare | 5 |
2.SEM |
2. Semester (Valitaan kaikki ) |
22 |
TOS0005B20S | Topical Issues in Social Work | 5 |
DEV0005B20S | Development Across the Life Span | 5 |
PCO0003B20S | Professional Communication in Social Work Practice | 3 |
WYO0003B20S | Work with Young People | 3 |
OFI0101B20S | Orientation to Finnish Working Life | 1 |
CWT0005B20S | Community Work Theories and Methods | 5 |
4.SEM |
4. Semester (Valitaan kaikki ) |
10 |
SUB0005B20S | Substance Abuse and Addictions | 5 |
MEN0005B20S | Mental Health and Wellbeing | 5 |
6.SE |
6. Semester (Valitaan kaikki ) |
26 |
PMI0009B20S | Project Management and Innovation | 9 |
CRI0005B20S | Crisis Work | 5 |
CAP0005B20S | Civic Action and Participation | 5 |
EXP0003B20S | Exploitation in a Global Frame | 3 |
DIC0004B20S | Digital Competence | 4 |
7.SE |
7. Semester (Valitaan kaikki ) |
10 |
MAN0005B20S | Management and Leadership | 5 |
ENT0005B20S | Entrepreneurship in Social Service Sector | 5 |
EXCH22 |
Bachelor Courses in Nursing (Valitaan kaikki ) |
23 |
2.SEME |
2. Semester (Valitaan kaikki ) |
18 |
BNP0403N24S | Human growth and development | 3 |
CLI0505N24S | Health and wellbeing promotion | 5 |
IMC0103N24S | Internal medicine and cancer care | 3 |
IMC0204N24S | Internal medicine and cancer care skills workshop and simulation | 4 |
PHA2003N24S | Adult pharmacotherapy and medical calculation | 3 |
6.SEME |
6. Semester (Valitaan kaikki ) |
5 |
LEA0005N20S | Leadership and service design | 5 |