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HAR8HS24OUL Work placement in diaconal work (10 cr)

Code: HAR8010A20S-3006

General information


01.03.2024 - 18.03.2024


09.09.2024 - 15.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • Finnish


0 - 333

Degree programmes

  • BA in Health Care, Diaconal Nursing


  • Nina Niemelä


  • I52shd


• know how to act in a holistic manner, respect human dignity and observe the ethical principles of diaconal work and nursing
• observe and identify the morbidity and disadvantages caused by customers’ socioeconomical health disparities
• know how to act as an advocate and maintain and promote the health of individuals, families, groups and communities in need of special support and in a vulnerable position and support those with financial problems
• know how to act as a health promoter at a diaconal office where customers can discuss and receive support and guidance in questions related to health and sicknesses
• guide groups related to the promotion of health of people of various ages and organise health promotion events and support the commitment to care
• collaborate with local multi-professional networks together with home nursing, end-of-life care and other actors within social services and healthcare as a specialist of diaconal work and diaconal nursing
• know how to assess and support customers’ psychological wellbeing and resources as well as support the rehabilitative processes of mental health rehabilitees
• identify health hazards caused by substance abuse, guide and advise customers in using substance abuse services
• know how to assess the support needs of the elderly and support the treatment of sicknesses and commitment to care
• know how to support and help individuals and families during an acute crisis, moments of grief and death
• know how to use diverse health promotion and pastoral care methods
• know how to execute and develop church service and devotional life together with other employees and members of the parish
• know how to develop the professional practices and impact of diaconal work and assess their own development as a diaconal specialist

Further information

At least 12 ECTS of the parish work placement (HAR2102A20S + HAR8011A20S) is carried out in diaconal work at a local parish of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.
6 ECTS of the work placement is included in the work placement of registered nurse studies, which is why the work placement coordinator within the parish is a deaconess.

Evaluation scale
