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HAR5HK24OUL-SH Work placement in mental health promotion and substance abuse work (8 cr)

Code: HAR5008A20S-3027

General information


11.10.2023 - 29.10.2023


05.02.2024 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

8 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching



Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • BA in Health Care


  • Johanna Pirttisalo
  • Niina Patronen


  • I53sh
  • 07.02.2024 12:30 - 14:00, HAR5 / Info
  • 20.05.2024 08:30 - 11:45, HAR5 / Reflektio


- know how to consider the significance of the diversity, multiculturality and life history of customers/patients in the treatment of illnesses and rehabilitation
- know how to apply the basics of medical care in nursing
- know how to identify risks in the pharmacotherapy process and act according to their responsibility
- execution of pharmacotherapy through various routes of administration
- monitoring and recording the effects of pharmacotherapy, pharmacotherapy review and assessment
- drug and medication safety
- know how to create and maintain treatment-based interaction
- know how to support the customer/patient in utilising online self-care methods to support their rehabilitation
- know how to consider the family and close network and support their adaptation and inclusion in the various phases of the rehabilitation process
- understand the significance of job supervision in mental health and substance abuse work
- know how to apply creative and functional methods in substance abuse and mental health work
- know how to support the customer/patient in an acute crisis
- know how to identify the need for emotional and spiritual support of the patient/customer and apply methods of assisting interaction and spiritual nursing in the care relationship
- know how to guide the customer/patient to use appropriate social services and healthcare and third-sector services
- know how to use the technological tools and applications used in mental health and substance abuse work in an ethical and customer-oriented manner
- know how to critically analyse and assess their values and attitudes in their professional activities and set development challenges

Evaluation scale
