Clinical practice: Learning and tutoring in health care and nursingLaajuus (10 op)
Tunnus: PRA4010N20S
10 op
- englanti
Competency aims:
The aim of the course is that student
• Develops competence in delivering teaching/education using appropriate pedagogical approaches.
• Be able to generate individual plans that are appropriate for various client groups.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student is expected to
• Identify and discuss ethical and pedagogical issues relating to education
• Is be able to plan, implement and evaluate client education from various perspective and in co-operation with other nursing professionals.
• Utilize the appropriate approach and pedagogical methods according the needs of the client/patient or group
• Use various materials for client education and also develop new materials.
• Assess his/her own skills and knowledge and see the consequences of his/her own actions
• Coordinate the patients care as a whole according to the context
Course contents:
• Pedagogic and teaching perspective
• Discussion methods and counseling methods
• Planning, implementing and evaluating the process for client education situations during the different phases of the learning process
• Education of the client/ patient / personal
• Evaluation of the client education process
To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course:
Clinical Care V: Care of women and children
23.09.2024 - 13.10.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
10 op
Terveysalan tutkinnot
Diakin yhteinen toteutus
- Englanti
0 - 60
- Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing
- Mirjami Huuskonen
DiakDiak yhteinen
Competency aims:
The aim of the course is that student
• Develops competence in delivering teaching/education using appropriate pedagogical approaches.
• Be able to generate individual plans that are appropriate for various client groups.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student is expected to
• Identify and discuss ethical and pedagogical issues relating to education
• Is be able to plan, implement and evaluate client education from various perspective and in co-operation with other nursing professionals.
• Utilize the appropriate approach and pedagogical methods according the needs of the client/patient or group
• Use various materials for client education and also develop new materials.
• Assess his/her own skills and knowledge and see the consequences of his/her own actions
• Coordinate the patients care as a whole according to the context
Course contents:
• Pedagogic and teaching perspective
• Discussion methods and counseling methods
• Planning, implementing and evaluating the process for client education situations during the different phases of the learning process
• Education of the client/ patient / personal
• Evaluation of the client education process
Competency aims:
The aim of the course is that student
- Develops competence in delivering teaching/education using appropriate pedagogical approaches.
- Be able to generate individual plans that are appropriate for various client groups.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student is expected to
- Identify and discuss ethical and pedagogical issues relating to education
- Is be able to plan, implement and evaluate client education from various perspective and in co-operation with other nursing professionals.
- Utilize the appropriate approach and pedagogical methods according the needs of the client/patient or group
- Use various materials for client education and also develop new materials.
- Assess his/her own skills and knowledge and see the consequences of his/her own actions
- Coordinate the patients care as a whole according to the context
Tavoitteet suomeksi
Kehittää hoitotyön ohjausosaamista hyödyntäen laajasti hoitotyön soveltuvia erilaisia ohjausmenetelmiä.
Osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida potilaiden ja eri asiakasryhmien hoitotyötä kokonaisvaltaisesti huomioiden potilaiden yksilölliset voimavarat ja tarpeet.
Osaa tunnistaa ja arvioida hoitotyön ohjaukseen ja opetukseen liittyviä eettisiä kysymyksiä.
Ohjatusti suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida potilasohjauksen huomioiden potilaan elämänhistorian- ja olosuhteet.
Osaa tunnistaa potilaan ja asiakkaan hoitotyön tarpeita, toimia ja arvioida osaamistaan hoitotyön kansallisen prosessimallin mukaisesti
Valita asianmukaiset ohjaustyön sisällöt ja materiaalit, arvioida kriittisesti olemassa olevia ohjaustyön materiaaleja sekä hyödyntää uusia innovatiivisia ratkaisuja hoitotyön ohjaustyössä.
Osaa arvioida omien tavoitteidensa ja harjoittelusuunnitelmansa toteutumista sekä asettaa itselleen ammatillisia kehittymishaasteita
Osaa huomioida potilaiden / asiakkaiden moninaisuuden, monikulttuurisuuden sekä elämänhistorian merkityksen hoidossa ja ohjauksessa
Osaa tunnistaa lääkehoitoprosessin riskikohtia omassa toiminnassaan ja toimii lääkehoidon osaamisvaatimusten ja vastuun mukaisesti
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible practice placement
- Nursing homes and different daytime activity centers
- Home care and service units and home nursing
- Disability services, child welfare and family nursing units
- A healthcare center
- A district or central hospital and university hospital; similar services provided by the private sector
- Outpatient care services, daytime activity centers, clients’/patients’ home care and service and home nursing
Only a nurse can supervise your practice
Sisällön jaksotus
PRA4 consists of:
10 etcs = 267 hours, 8h can be reduced (for CV, placement search via Jobiili, reflections), so total amount of hours are 259 hours.
It means approximately 38 hours per week.
In calendar weeks this is 7 weeks
To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course:
Clinical Care V: Care of women and children
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Approved clinical practice require:
- participation in the info session
- participation in the reflection sessions
- approved personal aims send by the end on first practice week
- assessment discussion
- Assessment discussion will be held with the student, the supervising nurse (harjoittelua ohjaava sairaanhoitaja) and supervising teacher in the middle or the end of the practice.
If you have two different practice placements, assessment discussion will be held on both of the placements
- approved practice taking into account the practice hours
- returned assessment forms
01.03.2024 - 18.03.2024
09.09.2024 - 22.12.2024
10 op
Terveysalan tutkinnot
- Englanti
0 - 100
- Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing
- Suvi Vierelä
- Linnea Jokinen
Competency aims:
The aim of the course is that student
• Develops competence in delivering teaching/education using appropriate pedagogical approaches.
• Be able to generate individual plans that are appropriate for various client groups.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student is expected to
• Identify and discuss ethical and pedagogical issues relating to education
• Is be able to plan, implement and evaluate client education from various perspective and in co-operation with other nursing professionals.
• Utilize the appropriate approach and pedagogical methods according the needs of the client/patient or group
• Use various materials for client education and also develop new materials.
• Assess his/her own skills and knowledge and see the consequences of his/her own actions
• Coordinate the patients care as a whole according to the context
Course contents:
• Pedagogic and teaching perspective
• Discussion methods and counseling methods
• Planning, implementing and evaluating the process for client education situations during the different phases of the learning process
• Education of the client/ patient / personal
• Evaluation of the client education process
Competency aims:
The aim of the course is that student
- Develops competence in delivering teaching/education using appropriate pedagogical approaches.
- Be able to generate individual plans that are appropriate for various client groups.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student is expected to
- Identify and discuss ethical and pedagogical issues relating to education
- Is be able to plan, implement and evaluate client education from various perspective and in co-operation with other nursing professionals.
- Utilize the appropriate approach and pedagogical methods according the needs of the client/patient or group
- Use various materials for client education and also develop new materials.
- Assess his/her own skills and knowledge and see the consequences of his/her own actions
- Coordinate the patients care as a whole according to the context
Tavoitteet suomeksi
Kehittää hoitotyön ohjausosaamista hyödyntäen laajasti hoitotyön soveltuvia erilaisia ohjausmenetelmiä.
Osaa suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida potilaiden ja eri asiakasryhmien hoitotyötä kokonaisvaltaisesti huomioiden potilaiden yksilölliset voimavarat ja tarpeet.
Osaa tunnistaa ja arvioida hoitotyön ohjaukseen ja opetukseen liittyviä eettisiä kysymyksiä.
Ohjatusti suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida potilasohjauksen huomioiden potilaan elämänhistorian- ja olosuhteet.
Osaa tunnistaa potilaan ja asiakkaan hoitotyön tarpeita, toimia ja arvioida osaamistaan hoitotyön kansallisen prosessimallin mukaisesti
Valita asianmukaiset ohjaustyön sisällöt ja materiaalit, arvioida kriittisesti olemassa olevia ohjaustyön materiaaleja sekä hyödyntää uusia innovatiivisia ratkaisuja hoitotyön ohjaustyössä.
Osaa arvioida omien tavoitteidensa ja harjoittelusuunnitelmansa toteutumista sekä asettaa itselleen ammatillisia kehittymishaasteita
Osaa huomioida potilaiden / asiakkaiden moninaisuuden, monikulttuurisuuden sekä elämänhistorian merkityksen hoidossa ja ohjauksessa
Osaa tunnistaa lääkehoitoprosessin riskikohtia omassa toiminnassaan ja toimii lääkehoidon osaamisvaatimusten ja vastuun mukaisesti
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible practice placement
- Nursing homes and different daytime activity centers
- Home care and service units and home nursing
- Disability services, child welfare and family nursing units
- A healthcare center
- A district or central hospital and university hospital; similar services provided by the private sector
- Outpatient care services, daytime activity centers, clients’/patients’ home care and service and home nursing
Only a nurse can supervise your practice
Sisällön jaksotus
PRA4 consists of:
10 etcs = 267 hours, 8h can be reduced (for CV, placement search via Jobiili, reflections), so total amount of hours are 259 hours.
It means approximately 38 hours per week.
In calendar weeks this is 7 weeks
To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course:
Clinical Care V: Care of women and children
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Approved clinical practice require:
- participation in the info session
- participation in the reflection sessions
- approved personal aims send by the end on first practice week
- assessment discussion
- Assessment discussion will be held with the student, the supervising nurse (harjoittelua ohjaava sairaanhoitaja) and supervising teacher in the middle or the end of the practice.
If you have two different practice placements, assessment discussion will be held on both of the placements
- approved practice taking into account the practice hours
- returned assessment forms
01.03.2023 - 19.03.2023
11.09.2023 - 22.12.2023
10 op
Terveysalan tutkinnot
- Englanti
- Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing
- Riikka Tuominen
- Suvi Vierelä
- Linnea Jokinen
Competency aims:
The aim of the course is that student
• Develops competence in delivering teaching/education using appropriate pedagogical approaches.
• Be able to generate individual plans that are appropriate for various client groups.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student is expected to
• Identify and discuss ethical and pedagogical issues relating to education
• Is be able to plan, implement and evaluate client education from various perspective and in co-operation with other nursing professionals.
• Utilize the appropriate approach and pedagogical methods according the needs of the client/patient or group
• Use various materials for client education and also develop new materials.
• Assess his/her own skills and knowledge and see the consequences of his/her own actions
• Coordinate the patients care as a whole according to the context
Course contents:
• Pedagogic and teaching perspective
• Discussion methods and counseling methods
• Planning, implementing and evaluating the process for client education situations during the different phases of the learning process
• Education of the client/ patient / personal
• Evaluation of the client education process
Competency aims:
The aim of the course is that student
- Develops competence in delivering teaching/education using appropriate pedagogical approaches.
- Be able to generate individual plans that are appropriate for various client groups.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student is expected to
- Identify and discuss ethical and pedagogical issues relating to education
- Is be able to plan, implement and evaluate client education from various perspective and in co-operation with other nursing professionals.
- Utilize the appropriate approach and pedagogical methods according the needs of the client/patient or group
- Use various materials for client education and also develop new materials.
- Assess his/her own skills and knowledge and see the consequences of his/her own actions
- Coordinate the patients care as a whole according to the context
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Possible practice placement
- Nursing homes and different daytime activity centers
- Home care and service units and home nursing
- Disability services, child welfare and family nursing units
- A healthcare center
- A district or central hospital and university hospital; similar services provided by the private sector
- Outpatient care services, daytime activity centers, clients’/patients’ home care and service and home nursing
Only a nurse can supervise your practice
Sisällön jaksotus
PRA4 consists of:
10 etcs = 267 hours, 8h can be reduced (for CV, placement search via Jobiili, reflections), so total amount of hours are 259 hours.
It means approximately 38 hours per week.
In calendar weeks this is 7 weeks
To be eligible for enrollment in this course, the student must have accomplish the course:
Clinical Care V: Care of women and children
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Approved clinical practice require:
- participation in the info session
- participation in the reflection sessions
- approved personal aims send by the end on first practice week
- assessment discussion
- Assessment discussion will be held with the student, the supervising nurse (harjoittelua ohjaava sairaanhoitaja) and supervising teacher in the middle or the end of the practice.
If you have two different practice placements, assessment discussion will be held on both of the placements
- approved practice taking into account the practice hours
- returned assessment forms